Luigi Palmieri

Place and date of birth:
Rome, 18/08/1961.
1997 – University degree in ‘Statistic and Economic Sciences’, University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
Position held
DrStat, Researcher in the Unit of Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Disease -Centre for Epidemiology, Surveillance and Health Promotion of the National Institute of Health;
Investigator of the Italian Registers on the cardiovascular diseases;
Investigator of the EUROCISS project (Cardiovascular Indicators Surveillance Set);
Principal Investigator of the Progetto CUORE – Istituto Superiore di Sanità – Epidemiology and prevention of ischaemic heart disease;
Responsible of CUORE Italian cohorts within ERFC-Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration;
Principal Invastigator of Italian cohort ROMA within the ‘multinational collaborative study MORGAM-Monica Risk Genetics Archiving and Monograph’ (
Work Package 3 leader ‘Evaluation of the joint action’ of the EU Commission Project ‘European Health Examination Survey (EHES) – Joint Action’.